CPJE Scoring Guide

Determine the minimum passing score on the CPJE Exam and eliminate any confusion around the scaled scoring system. Read through our complete guide to get your exam questions answered.
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Pharmacy student checking their CPJE results online

The CPJE, developed by the California Board of Pharmacy, tests your ability to practice pharmacy safely and communicate effectively in a clinical setting while adhering to laws and regulations unique to California. This article details CPJE scoring methodology, minimum passing scores, and how results are received.

How Is the CPJE Scored?

The California State Board of Pharmacy reports a CPJE result as a scaled score from 0 to 99. You must achieve a score from 75 to 99 to pass. Any score within the range of 0 to 74 will result in not passing. Scaled scores should not be interpreted as percentages. For example, a scaled CPJE score of 75 does not mean that you answered 75% of the questions correctly, nor does it mean that 75% of examinees will pass.

The California State Board of Pharmacy administers several exam versions, each with varying degrees of difficulty. Scaled scoring mitigates disparities between exam versions by raising or lowering the passing threshold based on an exam’s relative difficulty.

How Are CPJE Scaled Scores Determined?

CPJE passing scores are determined through a process called criterion-referencing. First, the California State Board of Pharmacy gathers pharmacists from a diverse range of schools and specializations into a Competence Committee. This committee is tasked with formulating a “minimum acceptable level of competence for safe practices” that candidates must meet to qualify for pharmacist licensure. Once these criteria are set, a psychometric consulting firm accounts for the pharmacists’ behaviors and develops a passing score that corresponds with the minimum competence criterion. Finally, the California State Board of Pharmacy calibrates the passing score to equal 75.

Each unique exam form has a raw passing score, which is translated into a scaled passing score. To use a metaphor provided by the California State Board of Pharmacy:

“This is analogous to the way one adjusts numeric values in describing the boiling temperature when using Celsius and Fahrenheit temperature scales. The water still boils at the same temperature, regardless of the temperature scale that is used to measure the absolute temperature.”

Why Does the CPJE Use Scaled Scores?

CPJE results are reported as scaled scores to ensure fairness. The California Board of Pharmacy administers exams at different difficulty levels. Scaled scoring lessens disparity by lowering the raw passing scores of more difficult exams and raising the raw passing scores of easier exams.

What Are the CPJE Pass Rates?

The California Board of Pharmacy currently does not release data on average CPJE scores. However, annual CPJE pass rates can be found on the California State Board of Pharmacy website. Data on overall CPJE pass rates for examinees testing between April 2021 and March 2024 are below.

Overall CPJE Pass Rates April 2021 to March 2024
Timeframe Fail Rate (No.) Pass Rate (No.)
April-Sept. 2021 44.1% (867) 55.9% (1100)
Oct. 2021-April 2022 55.3% (912) 44.7% (737)
May 2022-Sept. 2022 36.9% (624) 63.1% (1065)
Oct. 2022-March 2023 41.2% (457) 58.7% (652)
Oct. 2023-March 2024 47.1% (430) 52.9% (483)
CPJE Pass Rates April 2021 to March 2024 by Location
Timeframe Location Fail Rate (No.) Pass Rate (No.)
April-Sept. 2021 California 38.5% (478) 61.5% (762)
Other U.S. 53.2% (334) 46.8% (294)
Foreign 55.6% (55) 44.4% (44)
Oct. 2021-April 2022 California 55.4% (490) 44.6% (395)
Other U.S. 55.8% (355) 44.2% (281)
Foreign 52.8% (67) 47.2% (60)
Unclassified 0% (0) 1 (100%)
May 2022- Sept. 2022 California 33.2% (374) 66.8% (753)
Other U.S. 44.5% (215) 55.5% (483)
Foreign 44.9% (35) 55.1% (78)
Unclassified 0% (0) 100% (1)
Oct. 2022-May 2023 California 41.3% (258) 58.7% (367)
Other U.S. 42% (167) 58% (231)
Foreign 36.9% (31) 63.1% (84)
Unclassified 50% (1) 50% (1)
Oct. 2023-March 2024 California 45.9% (246) 54.1% (290)
Other U.S. 49.7% (153) 50.3% (155)
Foreign 47.7% (31) 52.3% (34)
Unclassified 0% (0) 100% (4)

You can increase your chances of passing the CPJE by familiarizing yourself with CPJE-style content. The UWorld RxPrep CPJE Online Course is the #1 resource for CPJE preparation. Our integrated learning platform includes content developed by an experienced team of pharmacists and pharmacy law experts.

The CPJE Online Course includes:

  • An illustrated CPJE course manual with visual aids and law study tips
  • Engaging video lectures that make difficult law concepts easy to understand., 
  • A QBank with over 350 exam-style questions, a 75-item practice exam, time-saving study tools, and performance monitoring.

Everything You Need to Pass the CPJE

The UWorld RxPrep CPJE online course, including the 8th edition course manual

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The California State Board of Pharmacy typically mails results to your registered address within 30 days of the exam.
CPJE results are delivered by mail to the address on file with the Board of Pharmacy. CPJE scores cannot be viewed online. If you have not received your results within 90 days of the exam date, contact the board with your file number, full name, and exam date at intern-examstatus@dca.ca.gov.

If you failed the CPJE and believe that your results are inaccurate, you can request a regrade from the Board of Pharmacy for a fee of $115. You must submit a written request to the board with your name and address, exam date and score, the first 6 digits of your Social Security number (voluntary), your birth date, your signature, and a check or cashier’s check made out to the “Board of Pharmacy.”

You should receive your regrade within 60 days. If your first result is determined to be accurate, meaning you did not pass, you will need to retake the CPJE exam.

Yes. You can retake the CPJE if you fail. However, your next exam must be scheduled at least 45 days after your last exam. You must resubmit a pharmacist examination application if it has been over 1 year since you were first eligible to sit for the CPJE. Applicants who do not pass the CPJE after 4 attempts are not eligible to retake the examination again until they complete at least 16-semester units of education in pharmacy.
No. CPJE scores cannot be transferred to other states. To obtain a pharmacy license in another state, candidates must take the Multistate Pharmacy Jurisprudence Examination (MPJE ®) specific to that state.
No. You cannot check your CPJE score early. You must wait until the California Board of Pharmacy mails your CPJE results, which typically takes 30 days.
CPJE results are only valid within the current occupational analysis. If you passed the CPJE before March 31, 2016, your results are no longer valid. The new occupational analysis went into effect on June 1, 2022, with no expiration date stated at this time
The CPJE Competency Statements break content into areas, topic sections, and items. For information about the topics covered on the CPJE, see our CPJE Exam Information page.

Read More About the CPJE

About the CPJE

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CPJE Registration, Cost, and Eligibility

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CPJE Study Guide

Start mastering CPJE content today with this detailed study guide, carefully curated by our team of experts. Creating a solid study plan is the key to success.

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