Pharmacy Exam Information

Our NAPLEX Guide and MPJE® Guide are critical resources for information about the high-stakes pharmacy licensure exams.

What Are the Exams Pharmacists Are Required To Take?

Pharmacists are required to take the North American Pharmacist Licensure Examination (NAPLEX) and Multistate Pharmacy Jurisprudence Examination (MPJE) to practice in the United States. Pharmacists seeking to practice in California must take and pass the California Practice Standards and Jurisprudence Examination (CPJE) instead of the MPJE.

Who Is the NABP and What Exams Do They Administer?

The NABP is a 501(c)(3) non profit organization that functions as the official governing body for pharmacy licensure examinations in the United States. The NABP creates, updates, and administers the NAPLEX and MPJE, while the California State Board of Pharmacy is responsible for the CPJE.

It was originally formed to help the state boards of pharmacy create uniform education and licensure standards. The NABP now supports a broad range of services, including assessing pharmacist competency, licensure transfer and verification, and various pharmacy accreditation programs. For more information, visit the official NABP website.

About the NAPLEX

The NAPLEX is a high-stakes exam that pharmacy graduates must take and pass to obtain the required license to practice pharmacy in the United States.

It is one of the components of pharmacy licensure, designed to evaluate the competencies of graduates by assessing their understanding of concepts essential to the practice of pharmacy. For more detailed information on the NAPLEX, check out our official NAPLEX Exam Guide.

About the MPJE

The MPJE is a pharmacy law examination administered in the United States to help state boards of pharmacy assess applicants’ competency and knowledge of pharmacy laws and regulations. The majority of states and territories in the United States participate in the MPJE, except for Arkansas, California, Idaho, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands.

For more detailed information on the MPJE, check out our official MPJE Exam Guide.

About the CPJE

The CPJE is a pharmacy law examination that graduates who wish to practice pharmacy in California must pass. The California Board of Pharmacy website provides details for the CPJE, including application information and the CPJE Exam Handbook.

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